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Even though we are no longer doing field research, we still hear about strange objects and events and as we have stated before, we will share these on the Midnight Observer. The following sighting was sent to me on the morning of July 24th, 2014 via Facebook. The young lady that submitted the information to me also included drawings of what she saw. She was, at one time, involved in paranormal research herself. Following is the report as she sent it to us.

“ Okay, here is what happened to me last night on my way home from church bible study. I was driving in the country, and way out in a field I saw three lights, one smaller one on top and two below that were a bit bigger, kind of like a triangle shape.

At first I thought it was a combine, because they do farm in the dark at times. Then I realized the lights were way too far up to be a combine, they were above tree height. It got closer and it was coming quickly. I was afraid that this “whatever” thing was going to run over me.

I stopped my car, turned down the radio all the way, and it came across the road and across the next field really fast. There were no other lights, just those three in the front. From what I saw, when it went in front of me, there was a rounded top, down to two flat wings that went the entire side of whatever it was. It didn’t make much noise and I am not sure that the humming sound was the object or my car, from my radio or from the AC on my car, but it was so totally awesome!!!!

The lights disappeared after it shot past me. I tried to get to the end of the road, grab my phone at the same time and see if I could see it from the next road going west. I was going north at the time and the object went from east to west, probably took ten seconds if even that long to go from where I first saw it to where I lost sight of it.

I was on CC Hwy. just north of 10002. It was about 9:52 pm. I will try to post the pics of the drawings I made. They were terrible, but it’s the best I can do”

this is kinda what the lights looked like from the front across the field

this is kinda what the lights looked like from the front across the field

the top one is what it looked like going by me and the bottom is what i could see as it approached me... hope this helps

the top one is what it looked like going by me and the bottom is what i could see as it approached me… hope this helps






If anyone else in the area saw something on the night of July 23rd, we would be interested in hearing about it.

The Skies are Still Busy

Author: Lori Carter

While we don’t go out researching anymore, we have left our site up for people to see what we found in the three years we researched our county. From time to time we get a report in our area and other parts of Missouri. People are often looking for answers to what they saw or experienced, and no one really has those answers. No one has been able to give an accurate answer to the craft that are seen in the sky and the beings that people have encountered over the years.

Just as we have different makes and models of cars, planes, helicopters and ships, so it seems that the ones in our airspace also created different models, and just as we have a diversity of races on our planet, there seem to be different races controlling these craft. Triangle shaped, cigar shaped, groupings of saucers, acorn shaped, fast, slow, or hovering, there are hundreds of reports across the globe on a daily basis, and so many more sightings that are never reported.

Yesterday I was contacted by a person who had been in contact with me before and this time she was able to get a video of what she saw.
Reported on June 22, 2014 from the Fredericktown, Missouri area:

“I thought I’d share with you guys the sighting I had this evening! The hubby made up his mind it was a helicopter, but I think not. It was all one color, orangey-yellow, reminded me of video footage I’ve seen of the Chinese lanterns people launch as far as the hue and how the light behaved, but much larger than one of those little lanterns. It was just under the clouds. I think helicopter light is usually bright white and I think they also have blinking lights, and multiple color lights (?) There was no sound either, and for being so low I am sure there should have been some sound. Hubby thought it could have been one of those military helicopters, he says some of them have whisper mode. I took a video but it’s not really that helpful. It travelled fairly slowly. When I first spotted it, there seemed to be a few seconds of hovering in place, but then gradually it travelled in a straight line in a south-east direction and went a little higher disappearing into the clouds. Interesting there was a small earthquake in Steeleville earlier this evening, maybe just a coincidence. In any case I was pretty intrigued by it! Here is the link to the video.”

While this video doesn’t show a lot of detail, I believe it is very clear that this was not a plane or helicopter. She stated there was no noise and even though there are stealth aircraft and helicopters that have a whisper mode, they still emit some kind of noise, probably a small hissing sound like air leaking out or a quieter whirring noise than what the normal helicopters make.

Out of curiosity, I checked a few places to see how many sightings have been reported in Missouri so far this month. NUFORC shows 13 from listed from St. Louis, Holts Summit, Hermann, Kansas City, St. Peters, and Ashland, while MUFON shows 23 reports in Ballwin, Independence, Lake Ozark, Bronson, St. Louis, Jefferson City, and Raytown. Reports include a chrome sphere, balls of lights, fast moving lights, triangles and cylinders.

That is 36 sightings reported for the month of June, alone, and there is no telling how many other sightings there are that were not reported for various reasons. Because there is still a stigma associated with UFO and Extraterrestrial sightings, and because some investigators are less than honest and upfront with the experiencers, many people are less eager to report what they have seen.

We may never start our research again, but we are still aware of what is around us, what is out there and we will leave up The Midnight Observer and we will continue to add reports and articles to the site.

Food for thought: If God created this vast Universe, you have to wonder where we fall in the scheme of things: Were we the first planet he put life on or the last? Or maybe he has been creating life on planets the whole time?

Author: Lori Carter

USA, UK, France, South Africa, Netherlands

USA, UK, France, South Africa, Netherlands

(This map shows some of the countries that have participating members)

I get irritated when I hear of someone hoaxing a UFO sighting or ET experience. It is an insult to those of us who have actually had an experience that has changed our outlook, our lives. We have to live each day with what we saw or what happened to us, knowing and wondering what else is going on that is hidden from us through secrecy, lies and screen memories. Lost time and the indications of unpleasant encounters such as we had on our tapes can haunt you for the rest of your life. Researching, searching, and researching more cannot always help you find the answers, but can, in fact, take you in directions that lead to more discoveries of the strange, dangerous, unknown, and paranormal.

Because of the skeptics, the intrusions in your life, the unknown but indicated and continuing events, life can be difficult to face and often times experiencers, contactees, and abductees find they have to continually defend themselves on their experiences. These are some of the reasons that UFO researchers and experiencers get downright angry when they hear of a hoax.

Normally a hoax is heard of after the fact, after researchers, investigators or curiosity seekers run across evidence that shows the incident or occurrence is not real.  There are those circumstances where the “real” experiencers have been accused of hoaxing, where people have gone out of their way to prove an experience or person as a hoax, when, in fact, they really did have something happen. Stories like the Gulf Breeze sightings, Travis Walton, Stan Romanek and, yes; even Betty and Barney Hill have had their problems with being accused of dishonesty in the retelling of their experiences.

Stan Romanek has been in the news lately with one clip showing him possibly trying to create odd events happening during an interview and the latest concerning accusations that he had child pornography in his possession. Of course he, his friends and wife point to set-ups by others, including accusing the government of putting things on their computer. The outcome to this may take a long time in coming.

Before I stray from the point of this article, let me get back to the reason I am irritated. I received an e-mail from a UFO group that I am a member of, with a link that takes you to a site/ forum where the members are hobbyists involved in remote controlled drones and rotor craft. According to the information, the owner of the site and several other members were conversing about the plans to stage a UFO sighting hoax in April around the world.

They originally planned it for the 1st of April, but as of the last time the site was accessible, they had changed it to April 5th. I went to the link the other day, after some others had heard and posted about this planned hoax, they have changed the front page, making the conversations on the forum inaccessible to non-members.

They claimed to have members worldwide that were going to take part in this hoax but the spread sheet that was included must have had a virus attached because my virus software refused to let me open it, saying it was dangerous. Of course this page with, the conversations planning this event is no longer viewable at the FPVLAB site anymore, however I was able to see that their list of members was over 19,000 and reading another article that was put up after I received the email, the author was able to discover other countries with members who were willing to participate.

As far as anyone knows, at this point now, there is a mass UFO sighting hoax planned for April 5th, with all of the remote craft that will be launched fitted with blue, led lighting. Supposedly it will take place at 8:00 PM around the world, since they believe that is a time when it will be dark, people will still be walking around and more likely to see the blue lights in the sky.

While the members of this hoax are portraying it as something they can joke about later, there are a few things that come to mind. Is it actually a joke or a way to disguise something else that is going to happen? Could they have planned this as a joke, but the initial person was instructed to bring this into development, hoping it would go viral so people wouldn’t be surprised to actually see something in the air, something that might not be their rotorcraft or drones at all, but something that is actually waiting to land unnoticed? Could this have been instigated to draw our attention away from something bigger?

I try not to point fingers or judge. I’ve had enough non-believers and skeptics in my life. I try to look at everything with an open mind, but when I see that something is an actual hoax, when the proof is shown, it irritates me, it makes all of us who believe there is something out there much less credible in the eyes of our friends, family and viewers.  This is the first time I have heard of an actual hoax being planned and if it isn’t a cover up for something bigger, it makes me downright angry.

Just one more note on here: If there are 19,010  members on this site that are willing to participate, how many friends, fellow hobbyist does each member have that might being willing to go along with this hoax, and if it isn’t to cover up something bigger, how much more attention will it draw from those above the earth that are definitely observing/interacting with us?

While some of these articles claim this author discovered the hoax, I have to add that I received the link in an e-mail days before any of these articles appeared and it kind of irks me that someone would use this information to add their advertisement to, trying to get people to buy their book.

Life Afterwards

Whether you are an abductee, a contactee, or just someone who witnessed a UFO and/or its occupants, or if you have experienced something that you consider supernatural or spiritual, your life will change.

For some it is a gradual change while for others it changes instantly. It was instantaneous for us. Before our abduction in September of 2009, I didn’t give much thought to aliens, ufos, spirits, ghosts, dimensions or the like. I didn’t scoff at the idea that some, if not all, might exist. If we are taught to believe that God is this great and powerful being, then I couldn’t see why he would quit creating after us or why he wouldn’t have been creating before us.

There are many schools of thought out there on what UFOs are, where they come from, what their occupants are like and why they are here. Although our government is one that claims they don’t exist, or if they do, they are harmless and of no concern, it has been rumored that they have worked hand in hand with them. There is a conspiracy theory around every corner.

Stories abound daily about different government activities and how many of them are intertwined with beings from other worlds or dimensions. Everything from HAARP controlling the weather to our highest governmental figures being controlled bounce around the blog sites each day. Underground bases housing aliens or those that are built for the elite, because they know what is coming, also head the list of rumors that abound along with stories that certain factions of governments have participated in experiments on their very own people.

No matter what your belief system is, no matter how many people sign petitions for full disclosure, no matter how many ex-military, ex-astronauts, ex government employees come forward with information they say has been hidden from us, most everyone knows that they are here, they do exist, they do interact with many people.

The plain fact is that many people just don’t care. They figure if it isn’t interfering with their daily lives, if they aren’t touched by what is going on, then it doesn’t concern them. These are the ones who will be in for a very rude awakening if a full invasion was to occur. These will be the ones that are running down the street screaming or huddling in the corner of their basement, afraid to move.

Our life was changed, as so many others have been also. We found what we believed happened to us to be mentally exhausting. We were used, abused, taken and who knows for sure what else. We were promised a lie detector test, regression and counseling, which never came to fruition for our investigator was after information for their own material gains and reputation.

Our little community rallied around us when we went public, and for the most part accepted what we said as the honest to God truth. They knew us, and they knew we were not given to flights of fancy, over imagination or exaggeration. If we said we were abducted, if we said there was human involvement, if we said it was a bad experience, they believed us. We had no reason to lie. We just wanted to warn our friends, family and neighbors that there was something to watch for.

Everyone goes on with their daily lives, some never looking at the sky or reading a report on aliens, unidentified flying objects, dimensional doors or odd occurrences like the fireball over Arizona the other day, and the odd, loud, crunching, grinding or whining noises being heard around the world, but for those that have had an experience, life is never the same.

Securing their houses, their cars, their land and buying protection becomes an immediate concern, even though it is reported that ordinary locks cannot keep out the greys or spiritual forces. Every sound in the night makes them jump out of their skin and they often find themselves walking around in the dark checking all the windows and doors.

They feel as though they are being watched and even possibly being taken again from time to time. They become edgy and on high alert when traveling in less populated areas, and awake to strange noises, hummings and whirrings during the night.

They may also find that some things have changed with them physically as well as mentally. Rich suffered injuries on several occasions during the time we were conducting our research of this area. Large welts on his neck and back, and deep scratches that looked like they were made from some kind of claws seemed to appear out of nowhere.

We also seemed to have developed sharper instincts and some kind of mind meld, where we know what the other is thinking, and this happens, not just once in a while, but on a constant basis. Life has changed.

We will always have many locks on the door, burglar bars on the windows, and ways to protect ourselves. We will always be on alert, aware of our surroundings and aware of noises and movements that don’t belong. We will always follow the news around the world in the main stream media and in the UFO/Paranormal outlets. We will always be looking at the sky. We will always be on watch, for that’s what they also do to us. They watch, they wait, for what, I don’t know, but it will all be revealed some day.

In the meantime, life after continues, just in a different way than it did before

We had promised that we would share any sighting reported to us, no matter how old they may be. I recently posted an article on of a recent sighting taken by a hunting camera. Although this person hasn’t seen anything strange before this, I don’t doubt that they will get more sightings. They are leaving the camera active and will alert us if they have anymore strange occurrences.

In the Mothman Prophecies, when Richard Gere is talking to an author of a book on the subject, the author mentions this to him as an explanation of why he is experiencing contact with the “Mothman”. “You notice them and they noticed that you notice them.” I have to wonder if this isn’t also the case when UFO’s and/or their occupants that are seen in more private, rural areas. When Rich and I had our experience, we were numb for a few days, but after we decided to start searching our area, it was like all the weirdness around us followed us. No matter where we decided to go to shoot pictures, we always found something, a grey, a possible grey reflecting the green he was hiding in, objects flying over the court house tower, objects that look like they were coming through some kind of doorway and even creatures that resembled the description of the reptilians that are posted in so many stories.

Weird things started to happen at our home. There was significant proof, several times that something/someone was in the house while we were asleep, even though the front door doesn’t open and the back door has five locks. Richard woke up with injuries and at one point was taken from the house and woke up in a field over a mile from the house, very close in fact to where we believe our first abduction took place.

We often thought we were being warned away, and this may be in fact true, since occurrences around the house have dwindled since we haven’t been taking trips off into the woods, down the small dirt roadways that significantly mark the area in which we live.

A few times now, we have had others contact us to tell us of their experiences. When our abduction happened, we had a large number of people in town telling us of objects they saw in the sky, weird actions of their farm animals, and strange noises they heard in the night.

Some people have shared experiences from years ago and say they still feel there is a presence around them, still feel like they are being watched, and still see strange objects on regular occasions around their areas of residence. Others, like this posting, recall stories from relatives going back to grand-parents and great grand-parents showing that many family members had sightings.

Now, I tell you about all of this, because this next sighting that was sent to us, indicates that the family may have had experiences going back for several decades. As is our standard procedure, the exact location of the sightings has been taken out to guarantee this person and their family privacy. We include all of these sightings because we still want people to understand what is out there. This person also indicated that they had a few sightings in other states that they lived in before returning to Missouri. It seems that a lot of reports, when further researched, indicate a true meaning to that line from the Mothman Prophecies. “You noticed them and they noticed that you noticed them.” But you could also add “and they will keep noticing if you notice them.”

Here is the actual report on this sighting.

Hello Lori Carter,


Hi Lori, After reading “Our UFO Sighting in 1976“, I felt a strong urge to share with you some UFO sightings made by my family and myself in the Wayne County, Missouri area. However I have hesitated, and procrastinated until now. I guess I feel that, somehow, the story of the family in St. Francois County gave some verification to my own sightings and those of my family members. So, I think, in some way, maybe our stories can be helpful to others in the area who have experienced similar events. I have also been excited to find internet articles concerning a large UFO flap in the 1970’s in the South West Missouri area.

My great-grandparents homesteaded a farm in Wayne County Missouri and they had nine children. One of my mother’s cousins has shared a story with any family member who would listen about a sighting she had with her dad. A few years ago my grandmother passed away and this cousin was at the memorial service. I have no idea how we got onto the subject of UFO’s, but she proceeded to tell me about her sighting. This was the first time I ever got to hear her story first hand. She told me that when she was a young girl, she and her father were sitting on the front porch of my great grandparent’s farm house one evening. They both saw a large, glowing orange orb that seemed high in the sky. It came down to a lower elevation and they observed other smaller, orange glowing orbs come out of the larger orb, and they seemed to dance all around in the sky. Eventually the smaller orbs converged again with the larger one and it raced off at an incredible speed, disappearing into the sky.

Now, this is a very brief and basic retelling. She had a lot more details and my memory doesn’t serve me well enough to attempt all of those little details. As she told the story she was looking up as though she was seeing it all again in her mind’s eye. It made a very strong impression on her. I would estimate this sighting to be between the years of 1967 and 1977.

My aunt and mom both tell me that my great aunts and uncles, but not so much my grandmother, would discuss seeing white glowing orbs low in the fields and these orbs would rise into the night sky. Usually they were witnessed by several of the siblings simultaneously. I don’t know the exact ages of all but one of my great aunts and uncles but my grandmother was born in the early 1900’s and one of my great aunts was born in the 1920’s.

I know there was a sister younger than the two of them. This might give some idea of when the white orbs were being seen. It’s difficult for me to trust my own sighting that I had as a very young child. Never the less, it has remained with me all of these years. Although we didn’t live in Wayne County at the time, we frequently would visit the area. Sometimes I traveled there with other relatives instead of my parents.

On the night in question my parents took me to the drive in Movie Theater. I was supposed to be lying down in the backseat and sleeping, but I wasn’t sleepy. I got up on my knees and was looking out the back window when I saw a silver disc with multicolored, blinking lights in a band around the center. They were “largish” and elongated, oval shaped. The disk flew at an angle, and either the center band of lights was blinking on and off in sequence making it appear to be spinning, or it was actually spinning on its axis.

I don’t remember feeling afraid at all; also I didn’t bring it to my parent’s attention. I am not entirely sure, but I may have been reprimanded already for not being quiet, or not laying down like I was supposed to. I have only shared this with a handful of friends. Now that I think of it, I don’t think I’ve shared it with my family! I believe I was only about six or seven years old at the time.

We moved from Missouri when I was eight so this could have been anywhere between 1974-1976 I now live in Madison County and have seen a red orb in the western sky at night. I don’t think it was Mars as it was too large in my estimation and also too fuzzy in appearance if that makes any sense. I estimated it was hovering between where I lived and another small town approximately 20 miles away.

I also saw another red orb in the sky a little bit after sunrise on my way to work from home to the close-by small town where I worked one morning. There were some fantastic pink sunrise clouds and a lot of wind, so the clouds were blowing quite fast and once again this orb was to my left, in the western sky. I kept losing sight of it as clouds would blow in front of it. I estimate it was as high as a jet-liner would fly at cruising altitude. It was so round in shape and so diffused however that I really don’t think it was an airplane. I’ve seen jet planes at sunset and sunrise and they have all seemed more “shiny”, or highly reflective and not so circular in shape.

The person who sent this sighting to us has had other sightings in around the area they live, including the appearance of black, unmarked helicopters. This sighting is very similar to some we have posted previously including the “red/orange” balls that were sighted on 52 East by two people who left their place of employment 10 minutes apart, heading in the same direction. A third party was also witness to this sighting. It was another employee’s son who was out hunting in the same general area.

I don’t have a solid theory, but it does seem like the people, who have sightings in rural areas, will experience more sightings and unexplainable occurrences for the rest of their lives. “You noticed them and they noticed that you noticed them?”

Another Weird Sighting

Author: Lori Carter

I know we haven’t been putting anything up recently and there are very good reasons for that. Gas prices are extremely high, and being on fixed incomes we don’t have the funds to be traveling around at this time. We have had a few financial setbacks including car repairs and house repairs that put another dent in our wallet. We also are looking out for our safety. With all the racial tensions, poor economy, theft of farm machinery, and the threat of gun confiscation, we don’t want to run the risk of possibly being shot or injured on the assumption that we are performing some kind of criminal act.

We have left the site up for the simple reason that we do plan on occasionally going out on a few runs when we feel there is something out there and can afford to do this. As promised, though we will be touching in now and then with sightings that are sent to us.

Our contact in Rich Hill e-mailed us awhile back wondering if we were alright, since he hadn’t seen or heard anything in a while from us. No, we are not sitting in a corner somewhere, shaking like a leaf, afraid to look out or windows, in fact some of our best photos were taken right out our living and dining room windows. He says it has been really quiet down there since the cattle mutilation he sent us awhile back. Ever heard of “the calm before the storm”?

The only other recent rumor was a UFO landing site that was faked by “Gods, Guns and Automobiles.” Hope they are having fun with shooting the episodes for this “Reality” program in our little town.

I did, recently, receive a photo from someone out near the Amsterdam/Merwin area. It was taken by a hunting camera and she wanted to know if we knew what it was. We have taken similar shots during our research, some that turned out to be reflective fences and others, that when we went back during the daylight hours, had no reasonable explanation.

I am posting two of our shots first as comparison, and then the picture that was sent to us. They are very similar and we really don’t know what they are. If you look close at the line of lights, it reminds you of some of the more popular UFO sightings like the Phoenix Lights. These shots, hers and ours were taken closer to the ground.


Borrowed this from another of our articles – please disregard notes

lights in field 3

This was taken within the City of Butler Limits

Merwin Lights / click on pic for larger view and look in upper right hand corner









I asked her about fences, farm machinery or anything with reflective material on it and she assured me there was none. The camera was a hunting camera, attached to a tree in the middle of a cornfield. Is it a landed UFO? Is it some kind of “Ghost” lights? We honestly do not know but it just goes to show that there is still a lot out there that falls under “weird or unknown”.

As always, we encourage you to take photos if you can, of anything out of the normal. We will be glad to post your story and photos and will keep your identity secret. We also ask, if you do decide to do some research of your own, go in groups, stay off private property, and stay safe.

Author: Lori Carter

We have said before that we will post any reports. The information that is sent to us doesn’t have to be current. Our goal is to show what is out there, no matter how long ago it was. Following is an e-mail we received after the last article. This dates back to the mid to late 70’s but has haunted this person all of their life. Abductees and experiencers never forget what they have seen or experienced. It stays with them for the rest of their lives.

As with any information, we do not post exact locations or names unless we are asked to. Everyone’s privacy is important and we respect this. Not everyone wants to make a report. Some are worried about what their friends, relatives, and/or neighbors will think, and others have concerns that it will affect their business or employment. We fully understand. We are not affiliated with any of the larger UFO investigative organizations. If you wish to make a report with any of them, be careful. Make sure you know who you are dealing with, Google them, check linkedin, run an online criminal record search.

There are a lot of scams out here and some of them are even associated with larger, more professional UFO/Paranormal groups. Do not sign any kind of release or paperwork until you have it read it thoroughly or you could end up giving up your rights to anything you tell them and any photos you give them. There are some good people out there, just be careful and choose the right one. I am posting the letter as it was sent to us, with the persons permission and the agreement that we do not disclose their name. The attached picture is just a rendition of what they might have seen. This person reached out to us because they needed to talk about it. We are willing to listen and share anything you think others should know about and still keep your name and residence quiet. There is mention of several counties in this letter, because the person wanted us to know that they were familiar with different areas of the state. They do not mention the exact location of this event.

We just want to show that there have been sightings and experiences long before our abduction, and that they continue. Please feel free to share with us anything unusual you have seen or experienced. The letter has been edited for punctuation and spelling only.

1976 Sighting

Rendition of sighting

Rendition of sighting

Dear Sir & Family;

Just wanted to write to you to say I am sorry for all that you have had to go through.

I grew up in St. Francois County Missouri, and spent time in Iron and Reynolds counties as well. My first remembrance of realizing all is not what it seems was around 1975-76. My family was having a reunion on my Grandfather and Grandmothers farm in very rural Missouri. All of the grandchildren were churning home-made ice-cream out in the yard.

It was almost dusk; the sun had just slipped behind the next mountain closest to us. I remember laughing and playing with my cousins….and then everyone became quiet. I realized the adults were looking skyward. All of us youngsters looked up as well– to see at least 6 silver disk shaped objects in still formation above the hilltop (where the sun was setting).

The objects were clearly visible, close proximity, and not making any noise. I will never forget the lights on the objects either. Each object had one row of pulsating white lights that went in a circular motion; you could clearly see the crafts were of a rounded shape. What followed was mayhem. The adults were rushing all of us children into the house, most of us so scared by what we were seeing we were crying. Even most of the adults came into the house with us, and some of my Aunts were crying as well out of fear.

Most of the men of our family stayed outside to watch the objects. When I was allowed back outside, I saw two objects left in the sky and I saw them change their appearance. Both objects became solid bright white lights, like staring closely at car headlights. My Father took us home at that point. I remember one of the lights followed us slowly for several miles. I have since throughout my life seen some strange things in the sky, but never to this magnitude.

This is something that I have not written about or really talked about to anyone, but this experience taught me a lesson at a young age. Over my lifetime (I am now 46) I have always watched the sky, for exactly what I don’t know,-maybe fear, maybe intrigue, maybe even for the day they “officially” land.

I just wanted to tell you-you are not alone in the path you have had to walk. I hope your health will get better and your “walk” will be lighter to bare. Thank you so very much for your website!! Thanks for taking the time to deal with the true reality of what is taking place right under most peoples noses.

Again-Thanks, Take Care, and Blessings to You and Yours


I have been in constant communication with this person. Below is are a few excerpts from  e-mails that I have been authorized to share. There are many details that suggest this person has been abducted at least once, probably more. The dreams that are mentioned, the heightened paranormal activity around the house and the instinctive feeling of being observed or watch are characteristics mentioned in many abductee reports.

Dear Lori;      
Thanks for sending the picture. It is close enough to what we saw that I am shaking as I try to type this and getting nauseated. The disks we saw were a little more silver in color at first( they appeared to be made out of shiny silver “metal”) BEFORE they changed into the bright white lights. That being said, you did an excellent job of the re-creation. The sun set and the beautiful hills pictured are just like being there all over again. This is so upsetting for me, but this needs to be told.
That evening, we all truly felt that we were being watched by the “crafts”. I still yet, to this day, get creeped out at times, like they are close around. I get really scared by that feeling. I know that sounds crazy-BUT- I KNOW you understand what I am trying to convey to you.
You have my permission to include the re-creation photo and print my story. In further, this event happened on “AA” hwy in southern St. Francois County, Missouri.
Just-a-note-; People are so wrapped up in their day-to-day lives, it is like they do not notice anything out of place anymore. I am sometimes AMAZED — it is almost like people are ” functionaly asleep” — but awake at the same time, just going through the motions of a matrix style pre-programmed life.( Maybe I have that kind of view because of what I witnessed as a child though too). 

Dear Lori;

Thanks for writing back so promptly. Please use any of my emails you need to use for your article.  I have NEVER told anyone the following things I am getting ready to write, save my nineteen year old daughter who also senses when “things” are not “right”.

 Concerning the heightened sense of awareness you wrote of, I have had that all my life as well (since the event). And to be totally honest with you, I DON’T want to know if anything else happened that night. Ever since that night, I have had nightmares of the “smaller greys” being in my presence– at any residence I ever resided at. (Although in my nightmares their color is a combination of green, silver, and pewter kind of all mixed into a strange color)

With these “beings”-there is absolutely NO CHANCE of bonding or forming any sort of human-like or animal-like relationship with them. The feeling I get from these nightmares is of total horror and fear. It feels like trying to find a soul while looking into the eyes of a reptile getting ready to strike at you. It is like there is NOTHING behind those eyes that resembles ANY part of anything like love, compassion, mercy, or even understanding. It is like looking into an utter abyss of black NOTHINGNESS. It feels like being stalked by an aggressive tormentor, that we have no earthly defenses against. (And I still have nightmares of all those flying disks my family saw as well).

Things have also disappeared in our home more times than I can count, only to reappear in illogical, unused areas of our home. We have also had clocks that run without batteries, etc. On occasion, I would get pushed while walking down our stairs, and once my daughter’s boyfriend was pushed on the stairs as well.  Thank God the pushes seemed to be more playful than malicious.  In further, furniture would move around upstairs on the hard wood floors, it made a horribly loud racket. No one was ever upstairs at the time of the furniture moving. It was so common, we would just look at each other and shrug our shoulders.( But having lived here 6 years now, I have noticed the activity in our home is always at peak in the fall months.)       

Note From Author: This person also related that they had paranormal investigators out to the house at one point but their machines and monitors wouldn’t work properly. They never had them come out again. Basically, even though this sighting is from the 1070’s it just proves, again, that when something of this magnitude happens, you become always aware, always concerned and you never forget.

We created this site, not for attention, but we felt we had to let our friends, neighbors, family members and residents of our small town, our county know that there were strange things going on. When we were abducted and abused in September of 2009, our main goal in going out had been to try to find out who and what happened to us. We were promised regression and lie detector tests, at no cost to us, that never came about because it all of a sudden seemed important to the individuals who promised this to try and get our insurance to pay for them, which of course wasn’t even feasible.

We gave three years of our lives to these investigations, and at no point did we ever indicate that we were professional investigators. We are not. We are two individuals who had a bad experience and started seeking answers. We were amazed, as were our followers at what we found in our “photographic” research. If we were asked to evaluate a possible landing site or other evidence we could not honestly say we know anything about this as we have never seen an actual landing site.

We have observed strange circles before, in far off fields, but being respectful, we do not go onto other’s properties uninvited. We have shown as best we can things hiding under bridges, down in bushes, behind trees and flying in the air. During our research we have received and continue to receive reports in other areas of Bates County. We do not run out to each of these areas because what was there will not be there when we arrive, so we report what is shared with us as is and depend on the honesty of individuals reporting it to us.

We have settled into a more peaceful style of life. Our experiences took a lot out of us, physically and mentally and we no longer feel it necessary to run out to the woods now. With the heightened rate of robberies, cattle rustling and disappearing farm equipment, and the threat of gun confiscation, we feel it is probably safer to limit any trips.

We may go out once in a while, and when or if we do we will share anything we find. We will still be posting reports and rumors that reach us about odd events in our area. Recently we received a comment asking us if we had pictures of a meteor coming down in the vicinity. Unfortunately, we do not nor have we heard anything else or heard from any other witnesses. Someone did mention on a neighborhood forum that sightings in this area alone have picked up and estimated at 40 to 50 in the last year alone. Apparently these have not been reported to the normal channels that do this type of investigation. I checked.

There have been some strange events that we have noticed within the city limits. There seems to be an increase in the sound of jets and planes flying around, some late at night. The city did two blackouts within two weeks to fix some problems. We slept through the first, but Richard was up for the second. During the first couple minutes of the last blackout, he observed a beam of light going between our house and the house next door. The beam of light was coming from above and wasn’t like that of a flashlight or search light. He observed go between the houses, across the street over the next house and on down to the west. There was not enough time for him to locate his camera in a darkened house.

Cow Mutilation

This next report comes from our friend in Rich Hill that shared pictures with us of orbs at the Indian Ceremony and alerted us to the Big Foot sightings in the Rich Hill area. He supplied pictures of this mutilated cow and has contacted professional researchers on this type of evidence. He will share with us anything else that becomes apparent. He and the owner of the cow are taking turns observing the area in which the mutilation occurred at night time.Cattle Mutilation 1 cattle mutilation 2 Cattle mutilation 3

He indicated that the usual parts were missing, anus, reproductive areas and tongue. He also observed that there were no prints from humans or animals and there was no blood. He will let us know if anything else happens. This cow was found between Rich Hill and Butler, closer to the Foster area around “U” highway, so if you live in or near this area, keep your eyes and ears open. As usual, you are free to contact us with anything unusual at comments on the Midnight Observer or at or

As always, watch where you go, take a camera with you, lock your doors and if you have it, take some protection along.

Author: Lori Carter

Although we are not going out as often as we were, we still investigate when we can. After our article in the February 2010 New Xpress here in Butler, we received many e-mails and verbal confirmations about strange occurrences in our area. We still get reports from some of these people and have been remiss in sharing them.

One person, who lives in Rich Hill has sent us a few pictures of orbs appearing during daytime hours in strange places. He also has shared information on Bigfoot sightings in the Four Rivers area. We don’t do Bigfoot investigations because we have no idea what we should be looking for. We did drive down near this area one evening to see if we found anything strange. That was the evening we got the pictures of the burning tree. (see “A Message in Light”)

There are many investigators and UFO followers who believe that paranormal activity increases after a UFO sighting. Many people have reported strange, paranormal activity in their homes after a UFO sighting by one or more witnesses. In the early stages of our case, after our initial abductions, we had what could be described as paranormal activity in our home, still do. There are unexplained noises, objects being moved around and things that disappear for a few days and then show back up, not to mention the fact that there are shadows that move and we both, at several different times, have felt something or someone touch us.

There are also those that believe Bigfoot sightings increase where there have been UFO sightings.  Several people believe that Bigfoot is an alien race. It is listed on the 57 alien species that Clifford Stone says the government has catalogued.

Daytime Orb, Rich Hill area

Daytime Orb, Rich Hill area

These pictures I am posting are from the Rich Hill area where we found several images in our trips that indicate it might be a very busy area including “Bubba” under one of the larger bridges. The one of by the tractor and at the Indian ceremony were shared with us by our friend from Rich Hill.

Bubba, under bridge in Rich Hill

Bubba, under bridge in Rich Hill

The two most recent Bigfoot sightings were very close to the orb sightings and a few other “orange ball” sightings that have been reported to us.

Orange Ball in Orrick

Orange Ball in Orrick

The odd thing about these pictures is the time of day they appeared. Most orb sightings seem to appear after the sun has set.

Orbs at Indian Ceremony in Rich Hill

Orbs at Indian Ceremony in Rich Hill

Does paranormal activity increase around UFO sightings? Could the paranormal and extraterrestrial beings be related? The answer to that question may never be known for sure. No matter where you go to research any of this, you are bound to find those who believe the visitations we get are from beneficial beings and others who believe they are evil, possibly the spawn of the fallen angels. Either way, there is a lot of unexplained activity and sightings around the globe. The one factor that seems to be become more evident as reports come in, is their appearance in less populated areas like rural Missouri.

Places like these are perfect for them to hide what they are doing, what they might be building, or even serve as undisturbed feeding grounds. Many rural areas in our country hold acres and acres of wooded land that isn’t processed or commercialized, and with the many water ways, like those in our area, and the many caves and possible underground tunnels, they would have the means to move around, take care of their business unobserved and undisturbed.

Author: Lori Carter

Lights at the Sheriffs Dept.

Lights at the Sheriffs Dept.

Sunday, March 10, 2013 and it’s raining outside again. I wonder if we will experience the same thing tonight that we did last night. Butler, “The Electric City”, so named for being the first city west of the Mississippi River to have electricity loses power whenever the weather changes. If it rains, if it snows, if it is hot, or if it blows you should automatically start reaching for your flashlights. They usually get it back on pretty quick, and it usually only goes out in pockets.

If our electricity goes off, we can usually see lights on one block to the south of us, and one block to the north. If it is evening, you can usually see the glow of other lights around town reflected on the horizon or off the clouds overhead, but last night was different. Last night the whole town was plunged into darkness for close to two hours.

I had just set my watch ahead, from eleven to twelve, as we were getting ready to shut everything down for the night. The lights flickered off, not once or twice, but five times before we were plunged into total darkness. Luckily I already had a flashlight nearby because of the forecast of thunderstorms. Another odd thing about this was the fact there was no thunder near the time the electric went off. We heard a few very distant rumbles a few hours before.

What is strange about this scenario, is the fact that they flickered so many times before they went off, that the whole city, with the exception of the Sheriff’s office and the county jail was plunged into complete and utter blackness and the fact that it was off for so long. I have never seen it this way in the almost six years that I lived here and Richard says he doesn’t ever remember it happening this way in the almost thirty years he has been here.

Within a few minutes, I found myself standing at the north facing window of the house, looking out over a darkened city as I watched Richard walk down the sidewalk, north toward the square. I checked my watch, five minutes, ten minutes, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes I stood there shivering, not sure if it was fear setting in or the lack of heat in the house.

As I stood there, I realized “this is how it could happen”. One little town at a time, plunged into total darkness just about the time most people are getting ready for bed. Everyone just shrugs it off, goes ahead and says their good-nights and wanders off into the slumber of the unaware.

Whether it would be a military power, our own government, some radical militia group, criminals, a super storm or an actual alien invasion, how much simpler could you make it. Everyone wakes up the next morning, unaware of what might have taken place overnight. Maybe several have disappeared from their homes, maybe your block is surrounded by military trucks, or soldiers come knocking at your door. Maybe none of this happens right away and you just sit there, waiting for the electricity to come back on.

All it would take would be several smart bombs aimed at the right targets. Smart bombs originated with the Germans in 1943, how much more exact could they have been developed by now. A smart bomb is aimed at a particular target, with less explosive force to take out that target with minimal damage to surrounding property and structures. It has been determined that one or two E-Type smart bombs, strategically aimed could knock out all the power within their radius of effect.

We bought a little transistor radio a few weeks ago when the two snow storms that hit were predicted, only to find out that it would only pick up one station, the local station, which on weekends might be pre-recorded. We were unable to get any information that would explain this strange blackout.

Technology is a large part of our lives. People don’t buy daily or weekly newspapers like they used to. They watch the news on cable television, scroll through it on the internet, or listen to it with their earphones. No one waits for a letter from a relative. They simply e-mail, text or call them.

What would happen if the whole nation was plunged into darkness, or the whole world for that matter? If all the grids were taken down at once, there would be no way of communication.

Maybe it’s time to look into the way they lived in the middle ages. How did they cook? Where did their food come from? How did they protect themselves? How did they live?

Take into consideration that HAARP is rumored to have been the cause of some of these super storms while some scientists believe that a pole shift has caused the super storms that hit areas like New York, New Orleans and other states on the East Coast. Thousands were plunged into darkness for longer periods of times than we were. Maybe these are practice sessions to start teaching us how to survive should the technology and energy grids go by the wayside.

I guess it is time to get a better radio, stock up on more of each kind of battery and maybe look at a way to cook outside. Whether it is martial law, meteors or asteroids or sun flares, whether it is a military take over from our government or that of another nation or whether it is an alien invasion or a multitude of super storms, we could eventually find ourselves thrown back in time, to the days when people actually had to live without the conveniences and technology we have in our lives today.